Since we have been having such nice weather, we have all been busy little bees. The garden is getting lots of attention. Jim has been rototilling the spot where we had potatoes last year. A cover crop is going in there to help feed the bees. He is expecting his packages of bees to arrive any day now. We should have three or four hives by the end of the summer. He finds beekeeping to be a most relaxing hobby. I am willing to help, but I am still a bit nervous. Bee stings aren't high on my list of fun things to do.
I have been weeding out the strawberry patch. The rows that I have done already are growing beautifully. Hopefully, they will hold off on blossoming for another week or so to avoid being killed by frost. I am looking forward to nice fresh strawberries. We should be putting in the cabbage, cauliflower, brocolli and brussels sprouts next week. The seeds we ordered are coming in by the day. I think we should be able to direct sow some lettuce and spinach shortly. I can't wait to eat fresh food!
The ewes are starting to have their lambs, and thankfully, there haven't been any problems (except for the lambs we lost to the coyotes). It is so great to see them running around the pasture. It's amazing how much energy they have just a day after they are born. Sooo cute!
We had to take the dog to the vet yesterday because he has been feeling rather poorly. It turns out he has a classic case of tapeworm from his fondness of chasing and eating rabbits. I got some medicine and he should be back to his old perky self in a couple of days.
Well, another lovely day beckons. The ducklings are supposed to come tomorrow. I can't wait to see them. We've never had ducks before. Another beautiful day in paradise.
1 comment:
Your pictures make me long for that year we lived in the country and tried our "city kids" homesteading. I'd love to see more of those pictures!
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