I decided to definitely delay the start of school. I have too much to do right now to worry about getting schoolwork in on top of everything else. If we aren't finished until the end of April, that's okay. I do have to get the objectives written out for all of the boys by the end of July. Then, we can get started on the 4th of August without a problem.
We took Noah to Rochester for his annual cardiac check up last Monday. His doctor said that he still hears a sound that tells him there is still a little bit of a hole, but it isn't anything serious. He will have an echocardiogram next year to see if the hole is still there, or if it has been enveloped by scar tissue from the device placement. Either way, he won't have to have surgery again
I had the grave misfortune of putting my back out yesterday morning. I turned very slightly to put a toy in the toybox, and my back just siezed. I went to the chiropractor and he said that I may have torn a couple of fibers in a disc. It's hard to believe something so small could hurt so much. I got an adjustment, and I have to go back on Monday. Surprisingly, I am feeling much better this morning. I'm hoping lots of rest this weekend will speed the recovery.
Today we are going to my family reunion. It is really a party for my uncle's 80th birthday, and my parent's 60th wedding anniversary. My mother will be a bit miffed that I know this is a party for them and I didn't tell her. She really hates it when anyone fusses over her. She will have fun, but she'll be cranky for a while. I, personally, don't know what the problem is. She will be seeing lots of people that she wants to see. Her brother will be there, and maybe some of their old friends. It should be a great day. I'm hoping to have pictures to post later.
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